The heat is on!

12 November 2024

It’s that time again - to dig out our winter jackets and think of those less fortunate than ourselves. At Elicio, we'll be doing everything we can over the next few weeks to organise activities to raise as much money as possible for "De Warmste Week".

"The Warmest Week" is a solidarity campaign organised annually by VRT (the Belgian broadcaster) during the week before Christmas. This year, the "Hottest" Week will be held in Bruges from 18 to 24 December with the theme: "Together against loneliness".

The Elicio staff will be running a variety offund-raising activities until mid-December, including baking cookies and truffles, Elicio ping pong championships, crunchy granola, kids@work, .... Anything! You name it, we organise it!

Let a warm wind blow this autumn - because nobody likes to be alone !


  • 12 november: Chili con (en sin) carne
  • 12 november till 18 december: Elicio Ping pong championships
  • 13 november: Pumpkin soup & truffels & hot chocolate milk sticks
  • 24 november: Granola
  • 26 november: Paëlla lunch
  • 6 december: Christmas run
  • 9 december: breakfast djars
  • 18 december: Elicio kids @ the office


